October 28, 2009

Cozying up

So, The Weather is here: the wind is nasty and there is the slightest dusting of snow on the mountains. I did go for the morning walk; after all, it's like a normal Oregon morning and I am not likely to either be blown away or melt.

After breakfast Dan built a fire in our never-been-used fireplace. I am happy to say that this one works a lot better than the one in Oregon. How cozy! Now we have to teach Emma not to chew up the firewood on her doggie bed.

Meanwhile I have a nice pot of bean and kale (from the garden) soup on the stove. I will have to remember to cover the lettuce and cilantro with the plastic-covered box tonight. Frost in the forecast ...

There are still hummingbirds out there, and Dan reported birds sitting close to the fireplace chimney. Keep that nectar, and the seeds, acoming!

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