September 1, 2010

An old love

Dan took some beautiful photographs on our Alaska trip, and since then he has been bitten by the old bug. I love him going back to an old passion because he has a great eye, and enjoys taking photos. One of the drawbacks has been that with digital photography he did not have the advantage of being able to make adjustments in the dark room, but Adobe Photoshop to the rescue. Lots of time is being spent learning and trying, and book and toy buying. How fun!

We went on our Stronghold hike this morning, after spending a number of days trying to get the weeds in the yard under control. The campground is now open, and we rejoiced as it cut about 3 (rather uninteresting) miles off our hike. The trail is still very rocky from the flash flood, and there is still a trickle of water running. Several flowers blooming, Indian Paintbrush among them. It's starting to get that late-summer feel ...


DJ said...

Ah, maybe eventually, I'll be able to get my Dan Moore coffee table book out of this...and then there is the Dan Moore calendar...and then the Dan Moore Galleries.....

webb said...

The paintbrush is lovely. Thanks for sharing.