July 2, 2010

Strawbale - Day 2

We got an early start this morning because Dan and I would only be able to work until 10: we had a noon appointment in Tucson with Dr Boulay. It's been two weeks since Shawna's hip replacement and he wanted to see how she was doing and take out sutures. Thankfully, he was not concerned about the tremor in her leg and thought she was doing very well. We have to keep her activity level restricted until the end of the month. This is not an easy assignment.

So, in 3 hours we laid another 3 courses of bales on Eric and Satti's house. Eric, Dave, and Dan did the heavy lifting (and thank you, John Deere), Barbara and I split bales and Satti did cleanup and all odd jobs. The building is progressing very well and it is looking great, with straight walls. Back to it tomorrow.

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