December 12, 2008

WD Taxi

We caught another wood rat this afternoon. We check both the tack room and the potting bench daily now, and the trap had not been used in more than a week. But this morning there was sign of a rat in the potting bench and I even saw his tail. Dan sat the trap around lunchtime and this afternoon we had already caught him/her.

Nowadays we transport the prisoner to uninhabited, by humans, desert, about 1/2 mile from the WD. Here is our catch, ready to be relocated.

I must admit I feel a bit smug as we seem to have found the perfect bait for the wood rat. In talking with my neighbors, only one of them reads this blog and hopefully she will honor my request, there is a mystery as to what kind of bait to use. I have heard anything from peanut butter to bacon to apple to apricot, but nothing works as well as a mesquite bean. It is so simple! You cannot even poison a wood rat successfully because he does not eat the bait, he just hoards it. I hope word will not get out, because all of aforementioned neighbors kill the wood rat.

Oh, how could you? I mean, is this cute, or what?

Down the road we go.

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