September 12, 2008

Oh, how I wish...

... that I had a telephoto lens as long as my arm, and a camera that could take an adequate picture of what I just saw!

I put the chickens to roost and went over to the neighbors and on my way back I saw a Great Horned Owl perched on the anomometer of the shop/shed. The moon is waxing and the sky was blue and still had some light in it, and there he sat: one foot on the windvane, one on the meter support... I tried to ignore him while walked back to the house, and was able to get Dan to see him before he quietly flew off.

We know that a Great Horned has been hanging around for awhile: we hear his "hoot hoot hoooot" from time to time, and have even heard a young owls screech. Wow, this was so cooool!

1 comment:

DJ said...

Wow, some great updates while I was in Delhi. When I saw the tagline about desert "tuna" I was envisioning a weirdly shaped reptile!