May 12, 2009

Barfoot Lookout

When the temperature rises it is fun to explore the sky islands. These are the high mountain ranges that surround our valleys, and are cooler because of their altitude. We went to the Chiricahuas today, across our Sulphur Springs Valley. It never ceases to amaze me how broad this valley is: it takes us a full hour to get across on a road that is almost as straight as an arrow, at 55 mph.

The Chiricahuas are a different world as they are wooded and rugged. We did not go to the National Monument today, but drove up Pinery Canyon to Rustler Park (approximately 20 miles of dirt road). And piny it is. The scent from the pines in the sun is heady and reminiscent of eastern Oregon. There were some lupines blooming but not many wildflowers, and everything is dry, dry, dry. I don't like this time of year much as everything is seemingly in suspense of the coming rains in July.

The hike to Barfoot Lookout is an easy one, short and relatively flat, hugging a hill side. Nice views of New Mexico along the way, and the views from the lookout, which is used for fire spotting, are beautiful. It was a bit hazy today, so although we could see all the way across the valley, we could not spot our house. I almost wish I had brought a shirt as it was cool at 8800 feet, and there was a nice breeze blowing. I had almost forgotten what wind in tall trees sounded like: it was impressive.

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