April 19, 2009

A kite-flying day

Yesterday, after our weekly dinner together with Dave and Barbara, we made kites. Barbara had done this with a class as part of a science project and was anxious to fly the kite in an area unobstructed with power lines and kite-eating trees. After this past week there certainly should be enough wind ... Perceiving a slight breeze we took a break from our morning activities to try them out. Not even on the highest part of our property was there a breath.

But, not about to give up, we decided to just have a glass of water while the wind decided to pick up. Lo and behold, we got them up in the air. No sooner did the kites gain elevation and about a dozen turkey vultures flew over to check out the "new birds". Perhaps they were showing off their flying skills, or as Dave said, perhaps they thought these foreign girls were decked out very fine. The best breeze hit while we were on the porch, but it was just too intermittent for a successful flight.

Meanwhile, I did get the tomato plants into the garden, and not a moment too soon. Some of them were already sporting flowers. I also put the pepper plants into bigger containers and started more sunflower seeds. It was a beautiful (temps in the 70's) day, with abundant sunshine, and I am bushed but happy.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Kite flying is one of my favorite things! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!