April 29, 2012

At the feeder

We do not often take the time for a long and leisurely breakfast: most often we are out early on our bikes. In the spring the wind will blow, but in the mornings it is usually still so we take advantage and hope to beat the worst of it. But today we are Tired and need to take a day to recuperate (Coach says so).

While at the table we were being entertained by the birds at the feeders. Southeast Arizona is a great birding spot, The Big Year agrees. These are the birds we saw at and under the seed feeders: house finch (we have raised entire generations of them here), house sparrow (ditto), white-crowned sparrow, black- chinned sparrow, white-winged dove, mourning dove, Gambel's quail, scaled quail, cow bird, cactus wren (nesting on the porch), curve-billed thrasher (nesting on the side of the house), canyon towhee, black-headed grosbeak, blue grosbeak (a treat, and pictured below), lazuli bunting (a real treat, but too fast for the photographer), and pyrrhuloxia.

At the nectar feeders: Scott's oriole, hooded oriole, Bullock's oriole, black-chinned hummingbird, Costa's hummer.

And often found nearby, eyeing the feeders, but not today: greater road runner. Doing cleanup: the resident Harris' antelope ground squirrel family, and usually a bunny or two.

What a great place to live!

1 comment:

webb said...

What, indeed. As usual I am sooooo jealous! That is a gorgeous grosbeak! I once - ONCE - saw an Indigo Bunting, but never anything like that. Tell Roadie that I may switch my allegiance.