November 24, 2015

Fall in the Stronghold

Our friend Mary suggested a hike for six, three humans plus Emma and her sisters, in the Cochise Stronghold this morning. It was a gorgeous fall day with temperatures in the 70's. Dan and I had not been there since Spring and it was great to see the effects of a good rainy season. It is such a beautiful place, and right next door too.

We walked the two miles up to Half Moon tank where there was still quite a bit of water; the dogs did not hesitate to take the plunge and have a good mud roll afterwards. Wonderful morning.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Love that area, however I have yet to make it to the water tank. Your pics are wonderful and inspiring, as I been outside all day in snow and a high of 37F. Love reading your posts, gives me hope through the winter.