July 11, 2013

Monsoons, up to now

It was wonderful to see some rain after that overly hot and dry June. The first, tentative, storm arrived right on schedule, beginning of July. Since then we have had some showers, nothing very significant, but enough to keep hope. I think we are in a rain shadow of Mt Glenn and the majority of the rain falls in the valley and the Willcox Playa.

No lack of lightening and thunder however. Two days ago, during a night time thunderstorm, lightening hit the mountain and a small fire started. Dan and I were busy during the following morning and did not notice the smoke until the afternoon. Apparently other people had been more observant because the Forest Service had already been notified.

I must admit that forest fires freak me out (Bambi scars), but lightening has hit almost that same spot several times over the years without developing into anything significant, and the Forest Service does take note as we saw a helicopter monitoring. The following morning several government fire fighting vehicles passed us while we were cycling, but by then another shower had extinguished the fire.

I am enjoying the cloudy, but warm, days and continue to hope for more rain.

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