August 29, 2008


Even though I consider myself an outdoor type, I did not realize the importance of weather until I came to live in the country. Here skies are huge, sunlight in summer ultra-bright, and spring winds are powerful.
Being in the desert, the topic of conversation at this time of year is the rainfall (did you get any?). We live in the northern-most tip of the Chihuahuan Desert, which is older, cooler and wetter than the Sonoran or Mojave Desert, and during a "normal" year we can expect about 12" of rainfall. Most of that falls in July and August. This year we have had good rainfall, although I cannot say how much rain has fallen exactly.

To remedy that situation we bought a new weather station, and managed to get our data uploaded to Weather Underground on the Internet so anyone can see what it is doing here at that moment. I called our station Blacktail Bajada, because that is where we are located. If you are interested in our current weather, please look here

Last night we had a large storm going by just north of us. Dan managed to capture some of the lightning.

We only got 0.04" of rain out of it, but there is a lot more water in the Willcox Playa, the dry lake north-east of us, this morning.

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